
site3I’m Roy van Eijk (1990) born in The Netherlands. I grew up in a small fisherman’s town near the sea called Ter Heijde. When I was a child I played a lot at the beach and always saw surfers in the water, I hoped that one day I could try surfing too.
When we lost our dog, Ronald van Venrooi decided to take me out for my first surf lesson. I was so stoked after my first session, that by the time my 12th birthday was coming up I got all my surf gear together.

In 2002 it was Ronald who helped me out in the water, throughout my surfing career Ronald stayed a mentor. After four months Mark van Meerkerk took over the coaching and started to make a training schedule, I only had two months left before I would surf my first national contest. My first contest meant my first win too. After that I surfed many heat finals, but had to wait until 2004 when I first got crowned Benelux Champion Juniors. See results!

Because the time I could spend on surfing had to be invested in schoolwork, my performance at contests fell since 2007. Surfing stayed one of my passions, and with the help of my sponsors I could keep my surfing at a good level. Now my high school education, sport and security trainings are completed. So more time to spend in the water and travel around the world. You’ll hear from me soon!



Here you can find my best results from the past few years

Benenlux Surfing Championships
1st place Grommets overall (2004)
1st place Grommets overall (2005)
1st place Open Men overall (2005)
1st place Grommets overall (2006)

Dutch Surfing Championships

1st Place HSA Grommets at Katwijk (2004)

Funbox Rookie of the Year Awars (2005)

Surfholland Award (2006)

3rd Place NK Surftour Open Men at Domburg (2012)

2nd Place NK Surftour Open Men at Vieux Boucau, FR (2012)

3rd Place NK Surftour Open Men at Scheveningen (2013)

4th Place NK Surf Open Men at St.-Girons, FR (2014)

3th Place NK Surftour Open Men at St.-Girons, FR (2015)

1st Place NK Surftour Open Men at Scheveningen (2015)

2nd Place NK Surftour Open Men over all (2015)

“Without losing one single heat, 15-years old Protest Team Rider Roy van Eijk managed to win the final heat in the Grommets Final.
Roy ruled last saturday and at the end of the day Roy also managed to win the final heat in the Mens Final.
Only 15-years old and he beat them all, again without losing one heat.”
“At the end of the day the Overall Benelux Champions were announced.
In a crowded surf club grommet Roy van Eijk was crowned, two-times-in-a-row, Grommet Overall Surf King of 2005.
And astonished as he was, Roy also beat all Benelux Men and was crowned Men Overall Surf King of 2005.
An unbelievably good result for an 15-year old surfer.”